Friday, November 5, 2010

That Email is Bigger Than You

You want more business right? So you've been working on your database, right? You are working on your lead lists, your social media lists, your direct mail lists...right? I knew you were! Me too! What about your email marketing lists, So do you have a survey on what you are sending out? Are you asking people to "opt-in"? Are you linking properly?

Think about Forwarding... what happens if your email gets forwarded? The people you send the email to, presumably, know who you are and why you are emailing them...but hopefully your email is SO great and interesting and fabulous that they get forwarded to people DO NOT know you. If they like what you have to say, and you make it easy for them, they might just click a link in your emails to join your email make sure that join button is in the email.

Think about FaceBook or Twitter: So someone clicks the link in your email and they get taken to your web page that is a web version of your email. That web version is what you tweet, put on FaceBook, you can spread that email around If you've got a link to sign up for "email-only" offers, these new readers just might sign up.

Think about Surveys: if you ask people what they think about you and your product you can get feedback, testimonials and comments. The answers you use to improve your business, put as testimonials on your website and focus your marketing. And you will get a greater response rate if you actually ask people to do something.

It's not hard to do, and doesn't take much to get a few new sign ups. And who knows? They may just become some of your best customers!

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