If I had a nickel for every time I've seen websites, postcards, and email messages without contact information, I'd be a rich, retired printer.
Contact information does NOT belong buried on a special page of your website. It does NOT belong in tiny letters on your letterhead. Contact information belongs in nice, big, fat, easy-to-find letters on ANYTHING of yours that your customers touch.
Make sure your website address, phone number, and physical address are at the bottom of each email you or your employees send. Make sure it is big and bold on each page of your website. Make sure it is clean and clear on each envelope, postcard, flyer, poster, and letter you print. And if it isn't, well I just happen to know a really good printer who can help you make sure it is.
Contact information does NOT belong buried on a special page of your website. It does NOT belong in tiny letters on your letterhead. Contact information belongs in nice, big, fat, easy-to-find letters on ANYTHING of yours that your customers touch.
Make sure your website address, phone number, and physical address are at the bottom of each email you or your employees send. Make sure it is big and bold on each page of your website. Make sure it is clean and clear on each envelope, postcard, flyer, poster, and letter you print. And if it isn't, well I just happen to know a really good printer who can help you make sure it is.
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